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AEEM Residence
2024, Prishtina, Kosovo

Designing houses is a special challenge in zones where the plot isn 't surrounded by individual buildings in the vicinity. AEEM Residence was conceived as a starting point from a regular geometric shape divided into 4 equal parts, in which the principle of partial displacement of a part is implied.

Urban Utopia
2023, Prishtina, Kosovo

The urban parameters of the area did not affect the concept. Divided into three structures, connected through common spaces within them, Urban Utopia has been conceived with the aim of creating a visual image of the area. Despite the fact that there are only 3 buildings, the tendency was for the visual acceptance to differ from the content, both in terms of volume and in terms of use.

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2023, Kosovo

"The multifaceted complexity of the built environment directly affects the extent of buildings."

The interconnection between housing and the economy has led to the development of holistic architecture, which involves achieving a balance between natural light and transitioning from parametric to regular form.

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2023, Kosovo

Critical location, plots with challenging geometry, precise urban parameters, resulted in deep analysis. The initial tendencies were to preserve the urban identity. Continuing with the separation of structures/volumes with the aim of releasing the lighting from the west side, which gives life to the buildings around the location. The next challenge, linear/parallel positioning with the city artery in order to maintain linear continuity. Equally important is the impact of the structures themselves in relation to the surroundings, both visually and functionally. These were the research questions that determined the concept of the Vicianum (hotel-residential building) connection solution in a critical position of the city.

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The Parallels
2022, Prishtina, Kosovo

Connecting the streets with the sqaure, the simplicity is approciated.

Open spaces improve a quality of life in urban areas. Private investmend in such afrasteucture affects the interconnection of the urban structure of green spaces. The impact of the greenery placed between the buildings, filters the negative impact between the main artery of location, and the secondary part of the road in the vicinity.

The greenery on the second floor has been used as filtering environment that comes from the large traffic in the main artery of the location neighborhood. Such greenery enables the physicals separation of environmental pollution for the residential part on the upper floors.

Removing the shape of the second floor has an impact on reducing the noise coming from this artery.

Residential floors are rotated at a certain angle a basis for obtaining floor lighting. Calculations have shown that such q rotation increases the brightness by 30%, some pared to parallel building

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2023, Kosovo

In order to create stability in the structure, THE HORIZONTAL is conceived in linear alignment. In the creation of the whole, the principle of "addition" of all 1 geometry distributed in 3 forms was used. For covering the shapes, 2 materials were used, in 3 methods, with a division in the vertical in order to facilitate the reading of the horizontal.
In total, 2 horizontals are presented: that of the structure itself, and those created by the covering materials.
The stone is used in a conventional method with the aim of saving the environmental cost using the objectives targeted during the conception of the building. We find it in two ways: "white" that precedes, and that "grace" that symbolizes the distance. The wood material comes in the quality of the balancer.

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Swiss House
2021, Mati, Prishtina, Kosovo

Starting from the concept of presenting the geometric shape to create visual stability, continued with the composition of light and shadow, and concluded with the nature and texture of the materials used with dedication, the concept of the "SLICE" house was formed.

Vila Sanev
2021, Oberrit, Switzerland

Conceptualized as separated in two structures, VS presents stability. According to location conditions, Villa must have strait lines, present contemporary architecture. The first structure maintains the entrance where it's connected to exterior line through open view glass which doesn 't contact earth. The second structure maintains all residentials activities'.

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